Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vanity Fair

Thoughtful Thursday

“Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.” ― Jane AustenPride and Prejudice

I cried, I laughed, and I cried some more. I don't know how it happened but I have a new hairstyle that isn't anything I planned or expected.

A few weeks ago, I went to the usual salon for a "tidy up". I have curly hair about down to the bottom of my shoulder blades. I was planning on a good trim and thinning because the split ends had really gotten out of hand. 

I went in, looked through some hairstyle books to pass the time, and when called back joked with Mark and the stylist about how he LOOOOOVVVEEESSS (insert sarcastic tone here) ( and major eye roll too) me with short hair and how that wasn't gonna happen! He left me to do my thing while he went to do his thing and by the time he got back I walked out looking like a mushroom head sans 4-5 inches of hair. AAAAAAHHHH!!!! When I got home I actually cried. I am so ashamed that I actually cried over my hair.

After this experience, I began to reflect on how my self-image has morfed over time. I NEVER would have cried over a haircut just a few short years ago. Somehow- without my being aware, I must have become more vain about my looks and really believed that my haistyle somehow refelected who I was as a person. Or maybe more concerned about what others thought of me because of my looks.

For a girl who shaved her head in highschool- (not to the skin, but a buzz) I can freely admit I am not who I used to be. I know people change over time, but this is one thing I never thought I'd struggle with. Vanity. 

Disgusted with myself for reacting the way I did, I went somewhere else, got a short cut like the good old days (no buzz- I'll wait till I've gone completely white for that) and remind myself that it is not what others think of me that matters- but what I think of myself. And that "Long hair does not a beautiful Chris make."

To prove my point.... I'll post that picture of myself with buzzed hair...... as soon as I track it down :)  

I'd love to hear your ideas about vanity, what it means to be beautiful, and how you feel about yourself when faced with experiences that make you feel less than your best on the outside. 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you were upset and cried because you were PROUD of yourself for growing beautiful healthy hair and someone took it from you. It takes work and dedication to grow long, healthy hair!
