Pearls About Me

Enchant: to delight to a high degree.

 I am originally from everywhere and nowhere including Arizona, Ohio, New York State, and New Mexico.  I live with my husband Mark and two cats (plus the "Stray that Just Won't go Away" that sleeps in our garage which we named Hammy- short for Hambone). 

 We live in an older house that requires a lot of love and affection (code words for blood, sweat, and tears). We use our creativity, ingenuity, stubbornness, and sense of humor to make it into a home. My husband is a Carpenter and I am considered a Jack of All Trades, so between the two of us we think we have enough skills to transform this little cottage (originally called a vacation ranch) into a beautifully designed, organized, and landscaped slice of Eden.

I LOVE SCHOOL!! (Currently working on a masters') I have always loved being a student and now I am lucky enough to work in a field that brings me such enjoyment.

I love being a teacher (kindergarten especially)! I really enjoy finding new and creative ways of teaching and am constantly on the hunt for ways to help me work smarter- not harder. I love my students and take my job seriously and feel honored and proud to be entrusted with the care of my little ones. I will be the first to admit that my job choice is not an easy one, but really couldn't see myself doing anything differently. I am a staunch believer that most teachers are wonderful, self-sacrificing people who put their students needs before their own, their spouse's, and their families' and the world is a much better place because of us!

In each of these areas I am blessed beyond belief and as a way to remind myself and  keep a positive attitude when the going gets rough -I have decided to create a blog about all of the bits of delight I find in my home, life, career, and relationships.

Oh Yeah- my middle name is Pearl. That's why I chose that word for my blog title.

Enchanted You Could Stop By,
(Or as my Nana used to call me: Christina Pearl)

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